エントリー数1077名 / 2次予選進出者263名
エントリー数1077名 / 2次予選進出者263名
Due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the way education is conducted has been called into question. Unable to attend school, the concept of the classroom has changed significantly. However, this situation presents an opportunity to re-envision education itself. In the wake of the crisis, everyone has had new experiences and made novel observations. Imagine the state of the world Post-Corona, and present a new framework for education in Japan.
Please consider the concept of education itself without being limited by the idea of traditional schools and learning methods. You should see things from various angles by looking at what other countries have done, considering how to communicate, build networks, and how to become involved with society. Your idea should go beyond the existing framework of education, and the students in question can be from any age range. Also, please consider the limitations of your idea and strategies for dealing with them.
Throughout Japan, there are a copious number of un-manned stations. In the midst of Japan’s aging society, upkeep and maintenance of seldom-used train lines has become difficult. You have been tasked with creating a plan that promotes the use of these stations and turns them back into gathering spaces and places of activity. The plan can be a service that makes direct use of the train lines, an experiment that employs the latest technology, something that uses the environment, or anything else. The plan should not be temporary; it is expected to be a long-term one that allows the railway and the surrounding land to prosper and grow into the future.
Please consider and specify which line(s)/station(s) would be used in the plan. It is alright to include multiple stations and/or lines. The goal should be to create value at the stations/lines to attract people. It is also expected that your plan will create a sensation to appeal to not only Japanese, but also inbound tourists interested in experiencing a different side of Japan.
*For this theme, it is not necessary to acquire permission from train companies to use their stations/lines.
Now, the planet faces the extremely grave threat of global warming. Japan is considered to be an undeveloped country in terms of decarbonization due to its reliance on coal power and investments into fossil fuels. While countries and industries are taking action on a large scale, it may be possible for we as individuals to alter our actions to change the future as well. Create and present an effective plan at the individual level that as many people as possible could accomplish that would contribute to solving the problem of climate change.
The U.N. Climate Action Summit strongly asserts that all governments, industries, and people need to come together to take action and contribute to solutions to combat climate change. Reducing CO2 emissions to zero and halving the amount of food waste etc. are all actions that make up parts of the larger plan. For this presentation, you should propose a plan that can be enacted at the individual level. The plan should make as many people as possible aware of global environmental issues and explain how the action in the plan could be continued by individuals sustainably and without difficulty.
12月11日 | SBSTV(静岡放送) | soleいいね! |
12月24日 | 静岡第一テレビ | しずぷりα |
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6月24日 | 読売新聞 5面 | 「情報ありーな 最優秀賞には奨学金100万円!「学生英語プレゼンテーションコンテスト」参加者募集中」 |
10月1日 | 読売新聞 Campus Scope 19面 | 「英語で世界を広げる」 |
11月29日 | 読売新聞 26面 | 「英語プレゼン力競う」 |
11月30日 | The Japan News 3面 | 「Sophia Univ. pair regain top prize at English presentation contest」 |
12月7日 | 文教ニュース 47面 | 「365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】、237校から過去最高の1077名が応募 全国学生英語プレゼンテーションコンテスト |
12月10日 | 教育新聞 4面 | 「斬新なプレゼンを自由闊達に展開」 |
12月17日 | 読売新聞 特別面 | 「第9回全国学生英語プレゼンテーションコンテスト 独創的発想 堂々伝える」 |
12月19日 | The Japan News 16面 | 「Art for unmanned stations wins top prise」 |