This is the area of the body.

Tutor system

Japanese Language and Culture Program (Ryugakusei Bekka)


The Buddy will ensure that exchange students coming to Japan for the first time will have a comfortable start to their stay by transferring them to and from the airport, helping with orientation, the purchase of a mobile phone and showing them around the shops.


A learning venue will be established, mainly through Japanese language learning support, where activities related to Japanese language support will be held once a week for both undergraduate students and exchange students to deepen interaction between the two.

International Communication major in the Department of International Communication

Independent learning support tutor

Learning together will be promoted and once a week, a Japanese student will participate in a Japanese language lesson for exchange students.

Learning partner

This includes native language checks and advice on learning support/reports, essays, and oral presentations as well as consultation for learning methods and literature searches.

Japanese Language and Culture/International Communication major

Class visitor

Participate in a variety of activities in classes with exchange students and study together.
