NHK WORLDの“Learn Japanese from the News” に本学日本語教員養成課程の徳永あかね准教授が監修?出演

NHK WORLDの新番組、“Learn Japanese from the News” が4月に放送開始しました。この番組は、NHKのNEWS WEB EASYで報道されたニュースに出てくる日本語表現を学んだり、外国人が日本で暮らす際に役立つ情報を紹介しています。この番組には本学日本語教員養成課程の徳永あかね准教授が監修、出演しています。
"Learn Japanese from the News" is an NHK World program that has been broadcast since April. This program is where you can learn some Japanese phrases that appear on NHK'S ‘News Web Easy’ news reports and obtain useful information about the events and daily lives of people in Japan. Associate Professor Akane Tokunaga, who teaches in the Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language program of our university, supervises and performs.
The video version is available in English and there are subtitled versions in Chinese and Vietnamese.
You can watch a new episode of the show every other Monday, and a radio version is broadcast each Monday. Previous episodes of both the video and radio versions are available on demand.