前期第10週目のオンライン授業に関する学生アンケート集計結果について / Results of Week 10 Student Survey on Online Classes
(English follows Japanese)
対 象:外国語学部学生
実施方法:Google フォーム
Innovation KUIS
対 象:外国語学部学生
実施方法:Google フォーム
Innovation KUIS
Results of Week 10 Student Survey on Online Classes
The third student survey on online classes was conducted from Saturday, June 27 through Sunday, July 12th. For this survey, new questions were included to find out whether students felt that their knowledge and skills were improving, and whether students preferred online or in-person learning for their second-term classes.
With the information gathered from the previous surveys administered after weeks 1 and 5, faculty and staff have worked together to improve the quality of online lessons. As in previous surveys, this survey found that a majority of respondents were satisfied with their online classes. However, a portion of surveyed students reported that they did not feel their lessons had improved over the course of the term. We will continue to sincerely listen to the voices of students who feel dissatisfied with their courses, work to improve the satisfaction of each student, and aim for higher quality education in our online classrooms.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took the time to complete this survey. We will continue to periodically solicit feedback and ideas from students and faculty to enhance our education and provide further educational opportunities.
[Details of the survey]
Dates of Survey: Saturday, June 27 ~ Sunday, July 12
Target: KUIS undergraduate students
Method of Distribution: Posted link to survey on Campus Web (Internal web portal)
Survey Format: Google Form
Number of Responses: 492 (12.1% of students) *This number has been rounded to 1 decimal place.
Please access this link to view the results and analysis of the survey.
Kanda University of International Studies
Innovation KUIS
The Office of the President & The Online Learning Support Team
With the information gathered from the previous surveys administered after weeks 1 and 5, faculty and staff have worked together to improve the quality of online lessons. As in previous surveys, this survey found that a majority of respondents were satisfied with their online classes. However, a portion of surveyed students reported that they did not feel their lessons had improved over the course of the term. We will continue to sincerely listen to the voices of students who feel dissatisfied with their courses, work to improve the satisfaction of each student, and aim for higher quality education in our online classrooms.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took the time to complete this survey. We will continue to periodically solicit feedback and ideas from students and faculty to enhance our education and provide further educational opportunities.
[Details of the survey]
Dates of Survey: Saturday, June 27 ~ Sunday, July 12
Target: KUIS undergraduate students
Method of Distribution: Posted link to survey on Campus Web (Internal web portal)
Survey Format: Google Form
Number of Responses: 492 (12.1% of students) *This number has been rounded to 1 decimal place.
Please access this link to view the results and analysis of the survey.
Kanda University of International Studies
Innovation KUIS
The Office of the President & The Online Learning Support Team
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