Job Announcement for a tenure-track Assistant Professor(Sennin Koshi ) / Associate Professor (Jun Kyoju) beginning in April 2019
The Department of English at Kanda University of International Studies invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor (Sennin Koshi)/Associate Professor (Jun Kyoju) beginning in April 2019.
1.?Area of Specialization:?Applied Linguistics/TESOL2.?Number of Openings: 1
3.?Appointment to: Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Studies
4.?Position: Assistant Professor (Sennin Koshi) or Associate Professor (Jun Kyoju)
5.?Courses to be taught:
“Ways of Learning English”, or/and “Studies in Second Language Acquisition”, CBI/CLIL English Proficiency Courses and English for Academic Purposes
6.?Starting Date of Appointment: April 1, 2019
7.?Application Deadline: September 26, 2018
(1) The candidate must hold a doctoral degree (eg., Ph.D., Ed.D.) in Applied Linguistics, TESOL, or a closely related discipline.
(2) A native or near native command of English is required.
(3) Candidates who can make a substantial contribution to teaching English and other related content courses
9. Job description:
(1)? Teach six 90-minute classes per week.
(2)? Attend scheduled meetings/activities of the university and assume other?administrative duties normally undertaken by faculty members.
10. Application procedure:? Please send the following documents to the address below.
(1) Curriculum Vitae
(2) A list of research achievements (For (1) and (2), please use the forms that can?be downloaded below:
(3) Two letters of recommendation
(4) Three copies of the major publications listed in (2) above, together with their?abstracts
(5) A copy of the diploma and/or a certificate of the completion of the degree(s)??earned
(6) Transcripts of the graduate work
(7) A two page (A4 size) description of your experience in teaching English and motivation for teaching at Kanda University of International Studies
11. Selection Process:
Applicants placed on a short list will be invited to the?? university for an interview and 30-minute demo class/lecture at their own?expense.
12. Application materials should be sent by registered mail to:
Prof. Kazuki Kuwabara
Chair, Department of English
Kanda University of International Studies
1-4-1 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken 261-0014 JAPAN
Tel/Fax 043-273-2588
Applicants placed on a short list will be invited to the?? university for an interview and 30-minute demo class/lecture at their own?expense.
12. Application materials should be sent by registered mail to:
Prof. Kazuki Kuwabara
Chair, Department of English
Kanda University of International Studies
1-4-1 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken 261-0014 JAPAN
Tel/Fax 043-273-2588
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