MA TESOL Program Public Lecture Series on October 5, 2018 (Venue: Kanda, Tokyo)
Public Lecture
Reflecting on Our Practice: A Framework
Reflecting on our practice suggests that our teaching experience is not enough, for we do not learn much from experience as much as we learn from reflecting on that experience; thus experience combined with reflections can lead to growth and this is how we become more effective language teachers. In this interactive talk, I outline how language teachers can reflect by using the Framework for Reflecting on Practice. This new framework has five interactive stages: philosophy, principles, theory, practice and beyond practice, and participants will be given an opportunity to reflect together on all five so that they can develop their own theories of teaching.
Lecturer | Prof. Thomas S.C. Farrell, Brock University, Canada | |
Date | Friday, October 5, 2018 | |
Time | 18:30 ~ 20:00 (DOORS OPEN at 18:00) | |
Venue | Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages (Kanda Gaigo Gakuin) in Tokyo, Bldg. 3, 7F, Plaza Azul | |
Admission: Free |


Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages (Kanda Gaigo Gakuin) in Tokyo, Bldg. 3, 7F, Plaza Azul 2-13-13 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8525 2 mins walk from JR Kanda Sta. West Exit, 3 mins walk from Tokyo Metro Kanda Sta. North Exit, 7 mins walk from Tokyo Metro Otemachi Sta. A2 Exit, Awajicho Sta. or Toei Subway Ogawamachi Sta. A1 Exit.

Kanda University of International Studies
Graduate School, Tokyo Campus,
TESOL Program
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