365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】感染症の状況に対応した夏期休暇の迎え方及び2021年度後期の授業方針について/On the State of Coronavirus Infections, the Upcoming Summer Vacation, and Teaching Style for Second-Term Courses
学長 宮内 孝久
August 3, 2021
Kanda University of International Studies
Takahisa Miyauchi, President
On the State of Coronavirus Infections,
the Upcoming Summer Vacation, and Teaching Style for Second-Term Courses
To all KUIS students, parents, and guardians:
A fourth state of emergency has been declared in Chiba Prefecture. The university has responded by taking various infection prevention measures (please refer to previous communications on campus infection prevention policies). Furthermore, thanks to the understanding and cooperation of students, parents, and guardians, we did not experience any clusters of infection on or off-campus in classes, extracurricular activities, dormitories, etc.
However, as the number of cases increases throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area, the number of infections among students has also increased, and we believe it is necessary to continue implementing preventative measures. Considering the present conditions, we would like to ask for your continued understanding and cooperation of policies over the coming summer vacation and in the remainder of the school year.
On final exams, supplementary lectures, and summer intensive lessons:
Until we are instructed to close our campus by the authorities, we intend to continue face-to-face lessons and campus activities as scheduled. Individual consideration will be given to any students who feel anxious about their health or are concerned about commuting to campus. For more information, please check CampusWeb.
On how students should spend their summer vacation:
There is a trend that infections are increasing more quickly amongst 20 to 29-year-olds in comparison to other age groups, and that asymptomatic younger generations may be spreading infections to those around them. Additionally, some young people have reported becoming infected with severe mutant strains leading to headache and an impaired sense of taste. We ask that students continue to wear masks, avoid talking at meals, and follow infection prevention guidance in order to safeguard their health and act as conscientious members of society.
On classes in the next semester:
Classes will be held in the same format as the first semester. Face-to-face lessons will continue, and depending on the course, online formats will also be available by making use of effective educational methods and tools. We are hoping that by the fall, as more people are able to get vaccinated, infection rates will decrease. However, if the government issues a mandate to universities in response to rapidly-changing conditions, classes could return to an online format.
Any changes to the university’s infection prevention measures will be promptly shared via CampusWeb and the university homepage, so please check both of these regularly. Please also refer to CampusWeb and the university website for information from each department (warnings about overseas travel, information about the use of campus facilities during the summer, etc.).
We hope you all stay in good health this summer, and we look forward to meeting our energetic and vibrant students again in the next term.
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