「365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】感染症の影響を踏まえた項目別運用表」の運用レベルの変更について/University Response to the Current State of Coronavirus Infections
学長 宮内 孝久
September 30, 2021
To all KUIS students, parents, and guardians:
Kanda University of International Studies
Takahisa Miyauchi, President
University Response to the Current State of Coronavirus Infections
The state of emergency declaration that was issued for Chiba Prefecture will be lifted on September 30.
As such, the operational level of "Extracurricular Activities" in the “Table of Procedures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19”, which was developed on April 28, 2021 to protect the safety of students, their families, faculty and staff, was raised to "Level 2" on July 12, but will be lowered to "Level 1" (with conditions) as of October 1. Please check the information delivered to you from each department for specific details. There are no changes in how classes will be implemented.
As the vaccination rate for the younger generation is increasing, we hope that the risk of infection will be minimized, yet we will continue to take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, so we ask for your continued cooperation and understanding. In order for everyone to continue extracurricular activities safely and comfortably, we also ask that you take thorough precautions, share awareness with other students, act appropriately, and take all necessary measures to prevent further infections.
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