新年度の授業実施方針等について/Regarding the Policy on Classes in 2022
English follows Japanese.
学長 宮内 孝久
Regarding the Policy on Classes in 2022
December 22, 2021
Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies
To all current students, parents, and guardians
As a general rule, the University will conduct classes in a face-to-face style in the new academic year (April 2022). However, some courses with high enrollment will be taught online in order to minimize the risk of clusters occurring. Details will be announced later on CampusWeb, so please check it carefully. However, if there is a request from the government or a rapid change in the infection situation,we will contact you accordingly.
For those students who are unable to attend the university due to health reasons, etc., the same measures will be taken as before to avoid any disadvantage in their grades, etc.
The number of new cases of COVID-19 infection is on a significant decline in Japan, partly due to the vaccination rate reaching 70-80%, but there are no signs of a global decline, making us worry about the sixth wave.
However, universities are places where people gather, interact, talk, and provide stimulation to each other. We will enhance our measures to prevent infections, such as disinfecting at classroom entrances and conducting constant ventilation, and continue to ask that students strictly wear masks, and eat quietly during meals to prevent infections, so that classes and extracurricular activities can be held on campus as much as possible.
In addition, although we will continue the body temperature check at the beginning of classes, we are preparing to resume the use of the main gate and the gate by Shokujin which are now closed, and the gate in front of the bus stop which is currently open only during limited hours, to improve convenience for students.
In principle, face-to-face classes will be held from the new academic year. We hope that all students will start preparing for the new school year little by little so that they can commute to the campus.
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