Recruitment for Full-time lecturer of Thai as a foreign language/教員採用の公募について(タイ語語学専任講師)
Recruitment for Full-time lecturer of Thai as a foreign language
2. Number of positions: 1 position
3. Department: Department of Asian Languages, Faculty of Foreign languages
4. Job type: Full-time lecturer of Thai as a foreign language
(2 years. Subject to renewal upon mutual agreement)
5. Job Description (job contents, subjects in charge, etc.):(1) 5-day work week (either 9:00-17:00 or 10:30-18:30)with duties of teaching 8 komas of classes (language subjects such as “Basic Thai”, “Applied Thai”, “Advanced Thai”) and 3-koma-worth of educational tasks(supporting outside-class learning, having conversations in Thai in the lounge space, teaching speeches and performances in Thai, transmitting Thai-related information, etc.)
(2) Planning and managing cultural events in MULC (Multilingual Communication Center) Thai area(More than once per semester)
(3) Working to revitalize interactions among students while cooperating with the faculty and exchange students
(4) Sharing admissions duties with others as needed.
7. Compensation: Working hours, salary, holidays, and employment period are in accordance with the university's regulations.
Insurance: Japan Private Schools Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation, employment insurance, and worker’s accident compensation insurance.
8. Application period: From May 20 to Sep. 9, 2022
9. Qualifications:
Applicants must have the capacity for educational and research leadership in their field of specialization and meet all of the requirements below at the time of appointment.
(1) MA in Linguistics, Thai Linguistics, Thai Language Education, or a related field.
(2) At least one publication (academic paper, academic book, or teaching material book) in the public domain.
(3) Native speaker of Thai.
(4) Experience in teaching Thai to non-native speakers of Thai (foreigners) at a university level or equivalent teaching institution is preferred.
(5) Ability to undertake educational activities consistent with the philosophy, goals, and future plans of the university, and to participate in university events, work, and administration (curriculum development and administration, student support, entrance exam-related work (exam proctoring and writing), attendance at university events such as entrance ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, new student orientation camps, and other university and department-related work).
(1) Curriculum vitae (in the format specified by the university): Contact information, photograph, academic history beyond university, degrees (date granted, name of university, name of research department, name of faculty), employment history, fields of specialization, membership of academic societies, etc.
(2) Statement of research achievements (in the format specified by the university): Publications of academic books and papers, presentations at academic conferences, etc.
(3) Educational achievements (optional form): name of educational institution (name of elementary school, junior high school, high school, university department); names, length, and detailed content of courses you were in charge of.
(4) Letter(s) of recommendation including the referee’s name and contact information.
(5) One major research/educational achievement (an academic paper including master's thesis or doctoral dissertation, an academic book, or a textbook) (photocopies acceptable) and an abstract in English (one page of double-spaced A4 or similar size paper such as Letter) or in Japanese (one page of A4 paper, approximately 1200 characters).
(6) Certificate of graduation or certificate of completion
(7) Transcripts of graduate school (MA and PhD programs)
(8) A statement of your aspirations for Thai language education at our university (English or Japanese, on approximately 2 pages of A4, Letter, or similar size paper).
Chief of Division of the Southeast Asian languages
Prof. Misaki Iwai
Email: sea-office[at]
※When emailing, please replace “[at]” with “@“ in the email address listed for the application.
*Please indicate "Application for Full-time lecturer of Thai as a foreign language" in the subject line of your application e-mail and attach your application document.
*Submission of research achievements such as books and textbooks that cannot be converted to PDF files will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
12. Selection and Notification of Results:
*Those who pass the document screening will be notified of the results by e-mail.
*Face-to-face mock classes and interviews will be scheduled for candidates that successfully pass the first screening.
*Transportation fees for second round of screening will be borne by applicants. However, the mock classes and interviews will be conducted online for applicants who do not reside in Japan.
13. Inquiry Contact:
Department of Asian Languages, Faculty of Foreign Languages
Division office of Southeast Asian languages TEL & FAX: 043-273-2625 (ext. 4107)
Chief of Division of the Southeast Asian languages
Prof. Misaki Iwai
e-mail: sea-office[at]
※When emailing, please replace “[at]” with “@“ in the email address listed for the application.
14. Additional information:
Inquiries regarding salary and benefits will not affect the outcome of the screening process in any way.
(1)週5日(9:00 - 17:00あるいは10:30 - 18:30)に8コマの授業(「タイ語基礎」「タイ語応用」「タイ語総合」などの語学科目)と3コマ分の教育業務(授業外の課題学習への対応、談話空間でのタイ語会話、タイ語のスピーチやパフォーマンスの指導、タイ関連情報の発信、その他)を担当する
365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】外国語学部 アジア言語学科
東南アジア三言語専攻長 岩井美佐紀
email: sea-office[at]
365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】 外国語学部アジア言語学科
東南アジア三言語専攻共同研究室 TEL & FAX:043-273-2625(内線4107)
東南アジア三言語専攻長 岩井美佐紀
email: sea-office[at]
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