春学期交換留学受入一部中止について/Important notice to incoming exchange students spring 2020
教務部 国際交流課
教務部 国際交流課
Dear Exchange Students,
This is an important notice from Kanda University of International Studies.
We regret to inform you that we cannot help but make an inevitable decision to cancel student exchange for the spring semester 2020 with our partner universities in Level 2 or upper areas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases.
As of March 6th;
Level 2 or upper
? China (All areas including Hong Kong and Macau)
? South Korea (All areas)
? Iran (All areas)
? Italy (Lombardy Region, Veneto Region, Emilia-Romagna Region)
Therefore, we cannot welcome you in the spring semester.
We hope you understand our decision as it has been made after a number of investigations and discussions on several matters for consideration.
We will welcome you in the next semester if you wish to come.
However, please also note that we cannot accept students again if the situation of COVID-19 does not get better by somewhere around May.
Affected students are kindly requested to send an e-mail to notify us whether to study at KUIS next semester by answering the questions below.
Home university:
Desired period: (Autumn 2020 only / Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021 / No intention to apply again)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
International Affairs,
Kanda University of International Studies
This is an important notice from Kanda University of International Studies.
We regret to inform you that we cannot help but make an inevitable decision to cancel student exchange for the spring semester 2020 with our partner universities in Level 2 or upper areas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases.
As of March 6th;
Level 2 or upper
? China (All areas including Hong Kong and Macau)
? South Korea (All areas)
? Iran (All areas)
? Italy (Lombardy Region, Veneto Region, Emilia-Romagna Region)
Therefore, we cannot welcome you in the spring semester.
We hope you understand our decision as it has been made after a number of investigations and discussions on several matters for consideration.
We will welcome you in the next semester if you wish to come.
However, please also note that we cannot accept students again if the situation of COVID-19 does not get better by somewhere around May.
Affected students are kindly requested to send an e-mail to notify us whether to study at KUIS next semester by answering the questions below.
Home university:
Desired period: (Autumn 2020 only / Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021 / No intention to apply again)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
International Affairs,
Kanda University of International Studies
お問い合わせ先/Contact Information
365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】 国際交流課
International Affairs
Kanda University of International Studies
〒261-0014 千葉県千葉市美浜区若葉1-4-1
1-4-1, Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi,
Chiba 261-0014 Japan
Tel: +81-(0)43-273-1615
E-mail: international(@)kanda.kuis.ac.jp
※メール送信の際はカッコ( )を削除してください。
*Please remove the brackets to send an email.
1-4-1, Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi,
Chiba 261-0014 Japan
Tel: +81-(0)43-273-1615
E-mail: international(@)kanda.kuis.ac.jp
※メール送信の際はカッコ( )を削除してください。
*Please remove the brackets to send an email.
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