コロナウイルス感染予防に伴う課外活動公認団体の学内外での活動中止について/Suspension of Extracurricular Activities by All University-Recognized Student Groups
これに伴い、公認団体による学内施設(部室等を含む)の利用と諸活動の一律停止の措置を、 5月31日(日)まで延長いたします。
これに伴い、公認団体による学内施設(部室等を含む)の利用と諸活動の一律停止の措置を、 5月31日(日)まで延長いたします。
To all students involved in extracurricular activities,
The Japanese government announced an extension of the state of emergency. Chiba prefecture where our university is located, will continue to be a “special alert prefecture” that requires intensive measures.
Accordingly, the suspension of all extracurricular activities both on- and off-campus has been extended through Sunday, May 31st. Please be advised that the use of campus facilities (including club rooms) for all recognized student associations will be suspended.
Regarding extracurricular activities on or after June 1st, information will be provided on the university homepage and through extracurricular mailing lists.
However, this measure does not limit online activities.
Meanwhile, we ask for your cooperation in continuing to keep calm, in accordance with guidance provided by the government and other health organizations.
Student Affairs
Kanda University of International Studies
The Japanese government announced an extension of the state of emergency. Chiba prefecture where our university is located, will continue to be a “special alert prefecture” that requires intensive measures.
Accordingly, the suspension of all extracurricular activities both on- and off-campus has been extended through Sunday, May 31st. Please be advised that the use of campus facilities (including club rooms) for all recognized student associations will be suspended.
Regarding extracurricular activities on or after June 1st, information will be provided on the university homepage and through extracurricular mailing lists.
However, this measure does not limit online activities.
Meanwhile, we ask for your cooperation in continuing to keep calm, in accordance with guidance provided by the government and other health organizations.
Student Affairs
Kanda University of International Studies
お問い合わせ先/Contact Information
365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】 教務部学生課
Student Affairs
Kanda University of International Studies
〒261-0014 千葉県千葉市美浜区若葉1-4-1 365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】1号館1階
TEL: 043-273-2948
※メール送信の際はカッコ( )を削除してください。
*Please remove the brackets to send an email.
TEL: 043-273-2948
※メール送信の際はカッコ( )を削除してください。
*Please remove the brackets to send an email.
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