新学期の授業開始日一部変更等について/First Day of Classes at KUIS and Changes to Class Structure
365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】学長 宮内孝久
March 24, 2020
To all students, parents, guardians, teaching staff, and members:
First Day of Classes at KUIS and Changes to Class Structure
Due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and in consideration of guidance from the Government of Japan’s meeting of experts, the university has chosen to delay the first day of the Faculty of Foreign Languages’ spring academic term to Monday, April 27. This start date is subject to further delay if the circumstances should change. In such a case, an announcement will be made on this website.
This situation is expected to continue for some time, and as a university, our priority is to provide a safe learning environment and high quality education. Our campus has always been a place where people of all ages and nationalities come together. Each person who visits our campus also has a family at home. Even if we believe ourselves to be healthy, assembling in large groups on campus still poses a risk of widespread infection, which would in turn cause disruption to hospitals and to society as a whole. We feel an obligation both to minimize the likelihood of such an event, while also fulfilling our responsibility to provide superior education to our students.
In order to reduce the likelihood of a “cluster” outbreak on campus, the university has decided to implement online learning. This shift to a new learning environment requires a great deal of effort and cooperation, not only on the part of students, but also from faculty and staff. Though the first day of classes has been postponed, please do not think of the month of April as a holiday, but as a training period for us all to adapt to a new system. Training and orientations will be provided for both students and teachers prior to the start of classes, so we ask that you check the university website on March 31 to confirm the class schedule for each academic department, and continue to prepare for the start of the school year.
We hope to make the best of this situation, as we look after the safety of our students and continue to provide opportunities for education. Parents and guardians, we humbly ask for your understanding at this time.
Finally, we would like to ask that all recipients of this message review the following vital information regarding the university response to COVID-19.
Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies
授業開始日について/About the first day of classes
外国語学部/Faculty of Foreign Languages
●The spring term will begin on Monday, April 27. (Please check the academic calendar below.)
●The period from early April until the start of classes will include guidance and preparation for online classes for students. Please do not treat this time as a vacation.
●A more detailed schedule will be announced on Tuesday, March 31. (Please check your schedule below.)
●The spring term will begin on Monday, April 27. (Please check the academic calendar below.)
●The period from early April until the start of classes will include guidance and preparation for online classes for students. Please do not treat this time as a vacation.
●A more detailed schedule will be announced on Tuesday, March 31. (Please check your schedule below.)
大学院/Graduate students
幕張キャンパス/Makuhari Campus
博士課程 言語科学専攻/PhD program, Graduate School of Language Sciences
修士課程 日本語学専攻/MA program, Japanese Language Major
●4月27日(月)開始に繰り下げ/The new term will begin on April 27.
修士課程 日本語学専攻/MA program, Japanese Language Major
●4月27日(月)開始に繰り下げ/The new term will begin on April 27.
神田キャンパス/Kanda Campus
修士課程 英語学専攻(MA TESOLプログラム)/MA program, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
●当初の予定通り4月5日(日)開始/The new term will begin on schedule on April 5.
●当初の予定通り4月5日(日)開始/The new term will begin on schedule on April 5.
留学生別科/Exchange students (Ryugakusei Bekka)
●4月20日(月)27日(月)開始に繰り下げ/The new term will begin on April 27.(4/3更新)
全ての方へ/To all
●Individuals who have traveled overseas may not enter the university campus for 14 days after their arrival in Japan.
●Be proactive in monitoring your health, and refrain from coming to campus if you feel unwell.
●All extracurricular activities are temporarily prohibited.
●Individuals who have traveled overseas may not enter the university campus for 14 days after their arrival in Japan.
●Be proactive in monitoring your health, and refrain from coming to campus if you feel unwell.
●All extracurricular activities are temporarily prohibited.
教員各位/To all teaching staff
●Further information will be sent to all teaching staff via e-mail, so please check your inbox.
*The university is currently putting together a guideline for online classes, which will be sent to all teaching staff as soon as possible. Please be patient as we prepare information to be distributed to all teaching staff, including part-time instructors, through your respective departments.
●Further information will be sent to all teaching staff via e-mail, so please check your inbox.
*The university is currently putting together a guideline for online classes, which will be sent to all teaching staff as soon as possible. Please be patient as we prepare information to be distributed to all teaching staff, including part-time instructors, through your respective departments.
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