教育イノベーション研究センター(Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation)についてご紹介します。
The Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation (CLTI), replacing the former Media Education Center (MEC) and the Language, Media and Learning Research Center (LMLRC), aims to conduct research and practice on building innovative learning and teaching methods and environments that respond to the rapidly changing times.
The main themes of the Center’s research and practice include the design of teaching and learning programs that effectively utilize ICT, the construction of teaching and learning environments suitable for the use of ICT, learning support that effectively utilizes data, the development of computer science and data science learning programs that are separated and integrated, and the development of language learning programs that effectively utilize new ICT technologies. We are also developing language learning programs that effectively utilize virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and Japanese language learning programs. Furthermore, we are pioneering cooperative learning programs between junior high schools, high schools, and universities with the goal of adapting education to fit the needs of a rapidly changing society.
In conducting research and practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation, we aim to widely disseminate and share the results of our research and practice with society. This will be accomplished through extensive collaboration with the faculty and staff of the Kanda Gaigo Group and other educational institutions in Japan and abroad.
旧言語メディア教育研究センターでは、同センターによる助成を受けた研究およびその他研究成果?実践報告を毎年1回発行し、1年間の活動報告とともに年報にまとめ、発行してきました。2017-2020 「言語メディア教育研究センター年報」(オンライン) ISSN 2433-7056
新たに発足した教育イノベーション研究センターは、同年報を引き継ぐかたちで研究?実践の成果を公開する予定です。2021~ 「教育イノベーション研究センター年報」(オンライン) ISSN 2759-2987
The former Center for Language, Media and Learning Research has published annual reports of research funded by us and other research results and practices, along with the report on the year's activities. 2017-2020“ The Language, Media and Learning Research Center Annual Report” (Online) ISSN 2433-7056
The newly established The Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation is planning to publish the results of research and practice in the form of succeeding those annual reports. 2021~ "The Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation Annual Report" (Online) ISSN 2759-2987
Andrej Krasnansky (Kanda University of International Studies)
Amanda J. Yoshida (Kanda University of International Studies)
Taeko Shibasaki (Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages)
KATRINA C. VINLUAN (Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages)
Yvonne Grace Sato (Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages)
Kyoko Gruendel (Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages)
Phoebe Lyon (Kanda University of International Studies)
Julie Decin (Chiba University)
Marina Goto (Marina English School)
センター長 石井 雅章(グローバル?リベラルアーツ学部教授)
副センター長 今岡 幸美(デジタル戦略チーム)
専任准教授 近藤 秀樹
専任講師 ユアン?ボナー(Euan Bonner)
専任講師 井芹 俊太郎
客員教授 (非常勤) 河添 健
客員講師 (非常勤) 高橋 一也
客員講師 (非常勤) 関 かおる
併任教員 青砥 清一(イベロアメリカ言語学科スペイン語専攻 教授)
併任教員 小野塚 和人(国際コミュニケーション学科 准教授)
併任教員 北村 孝一郎(国際コミュニケーション学科 講師)
併任教員 松井 健吾(イベロアメリカ言語学科 スペイン語専攻講師)
併任教員 ライアン?レギー(Ryan Lege)(English Language Institute主任講師)
アカデミックアドバイザー 宮川 繁
365棋牌游戏_365游戏大厅【下载官网】 教育イノベーション研究センター(Center for Learning and Teaching Innovation)