
There are a variety of opportunities to study abroad, including group study abroad programs, each student's original study abroad program, educational exchange programs, and regular study abroad programs.

The program may be cancelled or the content may be partially changed depending on the situation in the host country or company.

Spring Training in the U.K.

Target : First-year students of all departments (except one-year courses)

You will study at a British government-accredited English language school in Bournemouth, approximately two hours by train from London. Students will stay with a British family during their stay in Bournemouth. Bournemouth is a safe, coastal resort town. Students will study with other students of the same age from all over the world. You will improve your English language skills and deepen your understanding of different cultures.

training location Bournemouth, England
Period Approximately one month (early March to early April)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Approximately 550,000 to 650,000 yen
Includes travel, accommodation, and tuition fees / Overseas travel insurance is not included.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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Summer Training in Ireland

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments

Students will study with a homestay in Dublin, the capital of Ireland. Dublin is the political, economic, transportation, and cultural center of Ireland, while its beautifully preserved cityscape attracts tourists. It is also an academic city that welcomes international students from all over the world. A sightseeing trip to London is also planned.

training location Dublin, Ireland
Period Approximately one month (late July to late August)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
(except for sophomore year electives in the first year)
Training Expenses Approximately 650,000 to 750,000 yen
Includes travel, accommodation, and tuition fees / Overseas travel insurance is not included.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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Korea Training Program

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments

Students can study in classes that are divided into levels according to proficiency, so beginners of the Korean language, regardless of their department, can participate in the program. In addition, students will learn real-life Korean through a variety of cultural experiences.

Training Destination University in Seoul
training location Seoul Special City, Korea
Period About 3 weeks (August)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Approx. 300,000-350,000 yen
Travel, accommodation, and tuition fees are included.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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France Training

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments

EMBA-ISUGA is a three-year business school. In this training program, you will learn the basics of French culture and business in English. Therefore, French language proficiency is not required. Students who meet the stipulated requirements can transfer to EMBA-ISUGA for the third year after graduation from Kanda Institute of Languages.

Training Destination EMBA-ISUGA (Kanda Institute of Languages, affiliated school)
training location Quimper, Brittany, France
Period Approximately 20 days (early to late March)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Approx. 400,000 - 500,000 yen
Includes travel, accommodation, tuition, travel insurance, and risk management fees

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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Training in Sri Lanka

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments

This is a work experience in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where you will work as an advertising sales representative or writer, covering tourist attractions and creating articles. Since the work will be conducted in English, it will be an opportunity to test your language and communication skills.

Training Destination Spice up Lanka
training location Colombo, Sri Lanka
Period Approx. 2 weeks (March)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Approximately 250,000 yen
Overseas travel insurance and risk management fees are not included.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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Vietnam Training

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments

This internship is with a major Japanese travel agency in Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam. We will create city walking maps that are widely needed not only by Japanese tourists but also by local travelers. Each group will walk around Ho Chi Minh City, covering and photographing stores and restaurants. There will also be visits to local schools and companies, providing an opportunity for cultural exchange and to think about future careers.

Training Destination Apex International, Ho Chi Minh City Branch (Travel Agency)
training location Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Period About 10 days (mid to late December)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Approximately 250,000 yen
Overseas travel insurance and risk management fees are not included.
Training Contents Pre-training (8 courses in total, including marketing techniques, understanding Vietnamese culture, Vietnamese language courses, etc.)
Internship, cultural exchange, company visits
Internship debriefing

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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cultural exchange

We will visit Vietnam Aviation Academy (an airline vocational school) for cultural exchange. As a special lecture, a flight attendant from Vietnam Airlines will be invited to give a seminar on the airline industry.

Company Visit

Visits will be made to local foreign-affiliated and Japanese-affiliated hotels. Interviews with Japanese staff working abroad will also be conducted.

Honolulu Training

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments

Under the guidance of JTB, a major travel agency, the students will gain work experience as interpreter assistants and manage events themed on "cultural exchange," "education," and "environment" at the Honolulu Festival, one of the largest world cultural exchange events in Hawaii, to be held on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Beyond the cultural exchange between the U.S. and Japan, this program is intended to provide participants with opportunities to experience and understand the cultures of various countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, and New Zealand.

training location Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Period 6 days (March)
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Approximately 250,000 yen
Overseas travel insurance and risk management fees are not included.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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Short-term Entrepreneurship Training in New York

Students spend two weeks at the Manhattan campus of St. John's University, founded in 1870, receiving the training necessary to start a business. In the mornings, students attend lectures by university professors on economics, finance, marketing, etc. In the afternoons, they actually visit local companies and try to solve problems.

laboratory site St. John's University, Manhattan Campus
training location Manhattan, New York City, New York, U.S.A.
Period Approx. 1 week (March)
subject (of taxation, etc.) 1st and 2nd year students of all departments
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects, have the English language skills necessary to receive the training, and be a member of the St. John's University. Online interviews with professors at John's University and business e-learning courses in English offered by Kanda Institute of Languages
Training Expenses Approx. 350,000 yen
Overseas travel insurance and risk management fees will be charged separately.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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NY Volunteer Training

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments (except one-year courses)

We will introduce Japanese culture to local children at a public school facility in New York City, USA. We will also cooperate with Japanese people who are active overseas, and through contact with children of various backgrounds, we will think about what social contribution means to them.

Training Destination public school child care facility
training location Manhattan, New York City, New York, U.S.A.
Period 7 days
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Attend the 3rd semester elective class "NY Overseas Practicum Preparation Guidance".
prior guidance Understanding of the child's environment and background
Preparation for introducing Japanese culture locally
Training Expenses Approximately 450,000 yen
Overseas travel insurance and risk management fees are not included.

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour will be cancelled.

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Individual Language Training - Original study abroad program for each student

Target : 1st and 2nd year students of all departments (except one-year courses)

Study Abroad Center

This is an office specializing in study abroad that provides a variety of support for Kanda Institute of Languages students. Our staff members provide counseling regarding study abroad destinations, periods of study, and costs, introduce schools and programs, and handle various procedures for study abroad (liaison with local schools, local housing arrangements, airline tickets, visa applications, etc.).

training location English-speaking countries (USA, Ireland, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Malta, etc.), French-speaking countries (France, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.), Spanish-speaking countries (Spain, Peru, etc.), Chinese-speaking countries (China, Taiwan, etc.), Korea
*Other countries and regions can be discussed.
Period Summer, winter and spring long vacation periods
Participation Criteria Must have passed all subjects
Training Expenses Varies depending on destination country, city, length of study, etc.
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Naoko Sugiyama

Chief Counselor, Study Abroad Center
Naoko Sugiyama

Please feel free to come for consultation and counseling.

The experience of going abroad, no matter how short the period of time, is invaluable. The scenery, the people, and the aroma of life that you cannot see in Japan. ...... These will be precious memories that will remain in your memory for the rest of your life. Since you have entered a language school, we would like you to experience language training abroad while you are still in school, so we provide careful counseling for each student.

Study Abroad Center

Study Abroad Center

We are an office specializing in study abroad that supports Kanda Institute of Languages students in a variety of study abroad programs. Study abroad counseling and information sessions are held throughout the year. In cooperation with agents specializing in specific study abroad destinations, our staff members provide counseling regarding study abroad destinations, periods, costs, etc., introduce schools and programs, and handle various procedures for study abroad (liaison with local schools, local housing arrangements, airline ticket arrangements, visa applications, etc.).

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